Keep Talking

I might have named it Palate Fatigue but Blah, Blah, Blah also gets the point across about the ubiquity of IPA’s on the market as well. And since the trend seems to have long, long legs, it makes sense that 21st Amendment would call their new (variety pack only) Imperial IPA that. I also like that they are poking at the IBU and Wetness measurements on the can as well.

All kidding aside, Blah, Blah, Blah features malts that 21A has not used before, plus late additions of Mosaic, Citra, and Idaho 7 hops.

Who Said?


Another wacky collaboration from 21st Amendment and this time they have teamed with the Pumpkin King, Dick Cantwell of Elysian Brewing for a unique 2-pack of seasonal treats.

“He Said let’s brew a dark beer with pumpkin and spices and put it in a light colored can. He Said let’s brew a light beer with pumpkin and spices and put it in a dark colored can. So they did both and produced a pumpkin beer collaboration like no other: two black pumpkin beers and two white pumpkin beers, together in one box.

He Said is a white Belgian-Style Tripel ale brewed with pumpkin, tarragon and galangal.  He Said is also a black Baltic-Style Porter lager brewed with pumpkin, Vietnamese cinnamon and ground caraway. Both beers have an ABV of 8.2%.”


XMAS BEER – 21st Amendment Winter Warmer

I talked about Craft Cans now here is a can filled with a winter warmer.

Here is what the fine folks at 21st Amendment have to say about their winter seasonal…”Fireside Chat is a subtle twist on the traditional seasonal brew. We begin with a rich, dark ruby brown, English-style ale and then improvise with spices until we know we have a beer worth sharing with the nation. During Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s, Fireside Chat will brighten the faces of those who enjoy it, near the hearth or at the table. Its subtle blend of spices balances the malty ale and will make this a foodie’s favorite, as it pairs perfectly with holiday meals.”