Woot Ten

Can you believe that the big bad pecan beer Woot Stout or the full name Stone Farking Wheaton W00t Stout is ten years old? It is back with new comic art for 2022 from Stone Brewing.

I like the art better than the Star Wars theme from last year. This is much more Stone feeling to me and I am sure the beer will be just as luxurious.

Select 10

Time has taken on a different speed during the last two years so when the number ten is bandied about, it does make you think. Now Select Beer Store in Redondo Beach has arrived at that mark.

So, take the time and drive to the beach and buy a can or two to support.

10 Sunsets

Sunset Beer has reached the double-digit mark and their 10th Anniversary Party will be on Saturday, November 6th.

Here are the details from the Echo Park beermonger, “We expect that our Anniversary Beer “Down Sunset” from Los Angeles Ale Works will be canned AND available at the party. We’ll have a fun and unique tap list ready to go for the event, so we hope you’ll join us in a big “Cheers to Ten Years of Beers” on November 6th.  Keep in mind – you will need to be FULLY vaccinated to enter bars in L.A. after November 3rd, so be mindful and prepared for that! Have a great weekend!”

Zehn Time

No tension, just Ten as in Zehn at Enegren Brewing. August 21st

“It has been 10 years since we started this journey in a 1000sqft a 3 barrel brewery serving only 4 taster glasses of beer to each confused individual that stumbled upon our door. Things have changed! And it’s time to celebrate! Mark your calendars and grab your lederhosen because we’re throwing an epic ZEHN FEST complete with German Music, German Food, a ferris wheel and our 10TH Anniversary Zehn Fest Pilsner served in one of a kind Maximilian Steins!”


El Segundo Brewing has made many a fine IPA but they may be eve better at brewing up Triple IPAs. Which is why the biggest of their Postcard series is bears the 10th anniversary mantle.

Now that I think about it, maybe the T in TIPA stands for tenth.

10 Smoggy Years

I bet that if the 10th anniversary had fallen in 2020 that would have been hard. Thankfully Smog City gets to celebrate this milestone with a better semblance of reality as well as a new special IPA. Plus, you know they will be finding some special goodies from the cellar to offer.

Review – Ten from Eagle Rock Brewery

With Eagle Rock celebrating Mardi Gras style for their 10th anniversary tomorrow, I thought I should give a review of their numbered IPA.

Number 10 pours a bright orange. Very West-Coast style which I am either buying more or seeing more of on shelves.  Getting pine and Cascade Hop notes.  Some tiny grapefruit flavors come in as well. Aroma is pith, citrus rind in character.  Earthy on the back with a little bit of ABV burn.