Small Brewers Caucus

With competing beer tax acts trying to make the leap into law. It behooves us beer lovers to make our voices heard to those in DC who have joined the Small Brewers Caucus. You can write Congresman Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and/or Congressman Jim Gerlach (R-PA) the Co-Chairs of the Caucus. But better yet, figure out who on the list below represents you, here in California, and voice your concerns and kudos to them.

Doug LaMalfa CA-01
Mike Thompson CA-05
Zoe Lofgren CA-16
Michael Honda CA-17
Lois Capps CA-23
Grace Napolitano CA-32
Linda Sanchez CA-39
Ken Calvert CA-44
Loretta Sanchez CA-47
Darrell Issa CA-49
Duncan Hunter CA-52
Susan Davis CA-53