I attempt to balance visiting breweries so that I do not go to far in between visits but I fell down on the job with Tortugo Brewing out in Inglewood.

But on a sultry fall Saturday, I went back to the the distinctive orange building to try a couple of their beers. The beertender on duty was particularly helpful and in good spirits which was a good sign.
I started with a Red Ale, Baltra. I have a weak spot for this beer probably due to Double Mountain’s Killer Red. This beer tasted more like a hoppy brown ale to me. Softer and chocolate tinged where I expected sharper and spicier. The second beer was the Galapagos Triple IPA which was really good. Bright fruit forward aroma. And the ABV of 11% was not out there boldly proclaiming itself.

Then another turn with a taster of their Mai Tai inspired IPA, which tasted more old and caramel then any of the three fruits referenced on the menu board.
Now, I just need to visit more frequently.