Collaborations x 3 this month as we travel around the Golden State from San Diego to Los Angeles to Sacramento via new hops and old recipes.
MacLeod / Tomm Carroll Oat Malt Stout – 4.6% – “this sub-style, which was made with malted oats (along with malted barley), not oat flakes or oatmeal, was first brewed by Maclay & Co., LTD of Alloa, Scotland around 1894.”
Smog City / Pizza Port PC Load Letter White IPA – 6.5% – “Packed with a rock-solid punch of grapefruit and zesty yuzu, juicy hits of peach and apricot, and a smooth herbal backbone, it’s the ultimate cure for a case of the Mondays.”
Urban Roots / Societe Fun Fare IPA – 7.1% – “stacked with Krush, Krush Cryo, Krush Dynaboost, Citra, and Nectaron hops, so expect your taste buds to be flying first class.”