If you haven’t made your way to the Navy Warehouse that is the cool new home of Brouwerij West, well, here are three more reasons that this weekend (or the next) might be opportune times…
…they have added three new beers including an IPA for those insatiable hop monsters.
Spoonful: “A Belgian farmer’s table beer (or, if you prefer, a Belgian single or Patersbier or Enkel – it goes by many names in Belgium), this beer is earthy, fruity, rustic and has been aged 4 months in stainless.
Grapefruit Radler: We first made this beer two weeks ago and it sold out quickly… but we just got another 600 pounds of grapefruits so it will be back again this Friday. We took a blonde base beer and added a whole lot of fresh-squeezed grapefruits from a farmer friend of ours.
Pinkerton: Yes, it’s an IPA! We were being asked almost everyday in the tasting room to please make an IPA. We had never intended to make one but we thought it would be a fun project. So our goal with this IPA was to incorporate the malts and yeasts we use currently into a Brouwerij West IPA. It sure was fun to make. Pinkerton is brewed with a blend of Dingemans Pale Malt, Bohemian Floor-Malted Barley and oats. Entirely late-hopped in the kettle and then dry-hopped with over 3 lbs per barrel of Wakatu, Dr. Rudi, Cascade and Denali hops. We combined an English ale yeast with our house Brett for primary fermentation. Super fruity and hoppy aroma with soft bitterness and a dry pallet. Hazy gold in color with a soft creamy mouthfeel.