NAGBW talks to the N2BA

A few beer writers got the chance for an update on the National Black Brewers Association (NB2A) thanks to our guild and it was heartening to see that for an organization that was put together just in December of 2022 has made such strides. Kevin Asato from the NB2A and Beny Ashburn from Crowns & Hops were on hand to break it down for us.

Here are some of the positives for what is still a nascent trade group:

  • there are around 86 black owned breweries in the U.S.
  • over the last two years, 70% of black breweries have been outpacing breweries overall
  • National Black Brewers Day is part of the agenda of the Congressional Black Caucus and House Bill 1297 is in the works to make it official on a federal level
  • there has been numerous brewing equipment donations that help one of the biggest hurdles in opening a brewery, the cost of equipment
  • and a real biggie, before she took up the presidential mantle, VP Kamala Harris had made contact with the group to work together with the White House!

Now, the picture is not all rosy. It is still a small organization staffing wise and the current craft beer malaise makes the overall job more of an uphill one but that climb will be easier once black owned breweries are seen as less DEI and more integral to craft beer success and vitality.

I have never understood either purposeful exclusion or almost worse, not even trying to appeal to a broad swath of customers and I wholeheartedly agree with Ashburn that it is critical for sustained success to reach out to anyone who shows interest in craft beer. Everyone in this country should have the access and encouragement to either enjoy craft beer or make it.

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