For the weekend of the 19th and 20th, Atwater Village will become a California-ized version of a later than normal (on the calendar) Oktoberfest. Here is the information and most importantly, the brewery list for the event.
Saturday and Sunday, October 19th and 20th, from 1 pm-5 pm each day
“Join us for our first annual Oktoberfest as we celebrate the fall season with craft beer and great food for two days in a row in Atwater Village! Sip on a variety of seasonal specialty beers by four amazing Southern California breweries and munch on a savory sausage with Belgian fries. Enjoy the cooler fall weather of Los Angeles at Atwater Village’s own sausage and craft beer spot, Link N Hops.
Each brewery will feature Oktoberfest- or Fall-inspired specialty beers like Pumpkin and amber ales. The breweries involved include Bootleggers, Hangar 24, New Belgium, and Golden Road.”
Here are your pricing options and the site to buy the tickets is HERE
A $27 ticket gets you six tasters of 6 ounces each, plus a food option, which includes a sausage sandwich plus fries (one day per ticket).
A $20 ticket gets you six tasters of 6 ounces each (no food, one day per ticket). At the door prices will be higher.