Our final stop on our mini-tour of the Inland Empire prompted by this article in the L.A. Times is Dale Bros.. I have had their Pomona Queen beer as well as their Winter Haze seasonal but I would like to showcase some of their other beers in their stable.
Runway I.P.A.
“Runway I.P.A. is our first flight into the wild blue yonder of ales. While we thought that we may keep our feet firmly planted exclusively in the world of lagers we have been producing since 2003, over the years customers have been imploring us to brew a Dale Bros. version of an I.P.A. We are happy to say their wait is over. Runway I.P.A. takes off with four hop additions in the brew kettle, then brings it in for a landing with multiple dry hop additions. The flavor and aroma are courtesy of Summit, Galaxy and Cascade hops. Place your tray table in the upright and locked position — here we go!”
The Dude of York
Late Spring Seasonal
“The Dude of York is a very California take on a classic Yorkshire beer, brewed with English ingredients and fermented with our signature lager yeast. It has clean grain flavors, a floral nose from East Kent Golding and Fuggles hops, and a crisp finish. The result is a tasty medium bodied beer that will go well with your favorite foods — from Yorkshire pudding to pineapple pizza.”
Pacific Daylight
Summer Seasonal
Gold Medal, LA County Fair 2005, 2006 & 2007
Silver Medal, Great American Beer Festival 2010
“Pacific Daylight is a refeshing take on an English Summer Beer with a uniquely California character. While it is light in color, it has a full, yet crisp flavor that won’t weigh you down on a hot summer afternoon. Pacific Daylight is brewed with 100% organic grain — we just can’t call it an “organic beer” because our brewery isn’t certified organic by the people who certify that kind of stuff.”
I only occasionally see their beers in my neck of the woods usually at the Arroyo Whole Foods in Pasadena but hopefully more will be available in the future.