It is the end of the road for 2023. 31 more days until 2024 starts smacking us around. It has been a doozy. Strikes. Indictments. Wars. Inflation. And we are probably gonna run it back again. But, before you say we are doomed, we still have great craft beer and Christmas beers!
~ e-visits to (3) breweries from Craft Beer & Brewing’s Best of 2023
~ special featured reviews of beers if I find room amongst the seasonal beers.
~Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month. One light, one medium and one dark
~ A Book & A Beer reads Going Infinite by Michael Lewis
~ A Podcast & A Beer listens to NPR’s Book of the Day
~ Sports & A Beer returns with Where are all the Good QB’s?
~ New Beer Releases and Best Beers of the Month
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world.