A Book & A Beer – Going Infinite by Michael Lewis

It seems a bad idea to have an author who can dissect complex issues and have them made into movies follow you around. The Big Short laid bare the housing fiasco, Moneyball traced the Oakland A’s baseball club who have tried but not gained full success and will try again in Las Vegas. But Sam Bankman-Fried allowed Michael Lewis access and the reader reaps the reward as long as they didn’t buy bitcoin.

I am no financial guru but even I could smell the stink of Bitcoin from a mile off. And this book along with Easy Money by Ben McKenzie paints a damning portrait of Scam Bankrupt-Fraud as a weird and damaged human with basically a half-formed idea and no moral compass.

The Lewis book starts trepidatiously, too much so for my taste but as the evidence builds, you just start shaking your head at the fact that people threw scads of money at this guy when we have actual, real problems to solve. He basically drug both effective altruism and digital coins into the trash and doesn’t seem super fazed by it.

Now I don’t want to be too mean but I see a beer correlation in the few breweries and gypsy brewers who make super limited quantity barrel-aged, high adjunct beers that normal beer fans will never see because they do not make it to a shelf. So if you have a $20.00 + bottle stashed away or a $30.00 + bottle, then crack that open while you read.

In the Tap Lines for December 2023

It is the end of the road for 2023. 31 more days until 2024 starts smacking us around. It has been a doozy. Strikes. Indictments. Wars. Inflation. And we are probably gonna run it back again. But, before you say we are doomed, we still have great craft beer and Christmas beers!

~ e-visits to (3) breweries from Craft Beer & Brewing’s Best of 2023

~ special featured reviews of beers if I find room amongst the seasonal beers.

~Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events

~ Three suggested beers to buy this month. One light, one medium and one dark

~ A Book & A Beer reads Going Infinite by Michael Lewis

~ A Podcast & A Beer listens to NPR’s Book of the Day

~ Sports & A Beer returns with Where are all the Good QB’s?

~ New Beer Releases and Best Beers of the Month

~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world.