Holiday Brewery # 2 – Deschutes Brewery

The home of the winter classic Jubelale and the rotating art on the label. And when I think of the holidays and snowy wintry scenes, those labels and the city of Bend in Eastern, Oregon come to mind.

So, here is a little history of Deschutes and their winter warmer…

It started in 1988 and sported a wreath on the label until 1995 when the rotating artists took turns at designing the artwork.

It was the first “packaged” six-pack for Deschutes.

It won a gold medal in 2006 and also Australian awards that year and 2007.

The 2014 artist will be brought in to design in JANUARY!


Oh and they brew a lot of other great beer too and you will occasionally see their “Woody” in L.A.