The drinking stats are back! I set a fairly ambitious goal for 2018. Bring my average ounces drunk, per week down to 175. In current terms that is a shade under 11 – 16oz cans of hazy IPA.
So far, I am doing well with the average ounces per week at 171.92. The high week in the first quarter was 200 and the low was 162.40. Most of the weeks have come in an ounce or two under that 175 target.
My other goal was to get the split between the Big 3 (IPA, Sour and Barrel-Aged) down to 50% compared to, literally, all other styles. Right now, I am off by nearly 4% which means that I need to be buying more lagers and saisons for starters.
Some other stats:
Average ABV – 6.62% with a high week of 7.23% avg. and low of 5.94%.
Average dollar spend is $41.57 with a high week of $64.02 and low of $22.99.
And my favorite beers so far are as follows:
Angel City Public House Saison
Burial Beer Co. Ceremonial Session IPA
Homage One Evening Guava Sour
Finback Cosmic Vibration Coconut IPA