One day, four beers. Starting with the hoppy side of Figueroa Mountain and their hazy and double….
Hiker’s High – Pours a fairly hazy yellow/orange color. It has that soft but palate dusted with hops mouthfeel that I associate with the hazy style. Mostly pine and and earthiness to the flavor. The bitterness is pretty rugged overall and the beer finishes on the stronger side to me.
Lizard’s Mouth – Third time having this imperial IPA, and imperial it is. Aroma wise, this is pretty muted but this is a strong beer once you start sipping. Slick mouthfeel, a bit of a candy taste to it and with a bitterness that slopes of dramatically.
These are both old school IPA to me. HH is that first gen hazy and LM is that San Diego palate wrecker hit.