Christmas in May

In my travels this week, I came across a deal to good to pass up. A nice big bottle of St. Bernardus Christmas Ale on sale! $9.99 to be exact. So I snapped it up.
This doesn’t quite fill the winter warmer category but it does carry an alcohol punch to it. Surprisingly light and malty with a touch of spice to it. Personally, this would go great with turkey and cranberry and stuffing. But make sure to share it will catch up with you.

What's in the 'fridge

A new offering from the folks at Eel River Organic Brewing. They do quality stuff. This new offering with Acai seems trendy but may turn out to be good if they get the balance of wheat and fruit right.

Trumer Pils

Trumer Pils is, in my humble opinion, the one true pilsner. The main reason for this is that most pilsners tend to have a tinny aftertaste. And that just rubs my palate the wrong way. Trumer is a solid refreshment from first sip to last. And in this age of seasonals and special beers, it is nice to see that they do the one beer. No imperial pils, no Christmas pils. And they have good distribution, though I would be interested to compare/contrast their Austrian version to the Berkeley version. When the weather in my neck of the woods turns scorching, I pick up a six-pack of Trumer and cool off.

What's in my fridge?

Collaboration not Litigation. One of the reasons why I love the craft brewing movement is the open source code ethos that runs through it. New Belgium and Hair of the Dog make special beers for a bottle shop in Seattle. And Russian River in California and Avery in Colorado get together to make one great beer out of two great beers.


Two NEW beers for you to search for

I sound like a broken record but I just got back from another beer tasting.  Due to distributor snafu’s I got to select one of the beers to try.  I selected the Poperings Hommel Ale.  Excellent.  Tastes like a lager.  Crisp and clean.  Great summer beer to have while watching the NBA playoffs or the start of the new baseball season.  It is a Belgian.  Small brewery that locally sources the hops and barley themselves.


The second one you should look for is a honey beer called Biekens.  Strong at 7.5 alcohol but has a lovely touch of sweetness to it.


Two beers cooling in my fridge

I went to a new wine and beer store today and found (2) beers that I have never seen before and piqued my beer interest. One is a Belgian called Sloeber. I have never heard of the brewery or their beer so this is uncharted territory. Second is another offering from Hitachino in Japan. XH matured in sake casks. Should be interesting.
