Featured Review – Jolly Folly from Green Flash

Yes, it is past Christmas. And yes, it is also past New Year’s but one can be jolly and be involved in a folly later in January. So let’s get to reviewing Jolly Folly IPA from Green Flash Brewing of San Diego and Virgina Beach.

This “accidental” IPA pours a clear, bright orange with a big dank aroma with an underpinning of orange peel. The bitterness really hits the palate with this one and drys out really quickly. When cold, there is more of a fruit punch taste underneath. As it warms, that fruit note fades out and you are left with an orange pekoe tea with a touch of pine to it.
Jolly Folly might just satisfy both the earthy hop lovers and the citrus hop lovers in equal measure.


ba beer day icon
Hey! Did you know that today is Barrel Aged Beer Day? First started in 2013 to get the beer world to raise a snifter (not a pint) to celebrate the beer that is made better by sitting around lazily in barrels.

One way to celebrate the barrel would be at Barrel Down in DTLA tonight. You will find some “fun BA stuff on tap that doesn’t get out there much such as Wineification II, Smoking Wood mole, Barrel-Aged 6 Geese, White Oak.”

More info HERE.

Or you can sit around lazily yourself and get the hashtag #BABeerDay ready to go viral on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. And don’t leave it at the one hashtag. Show some love to the brewery that let the beer sit instead of selling it.