The Firkin for October 2021

My wife rolled her eyes a bit when she saw the above post, and I get it, most Facebook aphorisms are corny in the light of day but in terms of looking at beer, the above can be helpful.

I think it is healthy to balance the trio of the past, the now and the future. Drift to far into the now and you are doomed to repeat mistakes, living in the future deprives you of the present. You get it.

Here are three ways to keep that teeter totter even:

At your next beer get-together, talk about your favorite brewery that you have visited.

Instead of chasing after those low quantity, highly posted about beers, instead, reach for that Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, a Fat Tire or a Duvel.

When you plan your next big beer trip, add in the places that you know will be solid.

Simple stuff, that, but it will help keep you on track.

Giga WTF

A) It is Elon Musk, not the Rolling Three Stones, who are these people in the crowd?

There is no B.

Well apparently Musk and Tesla sold-out of a $250 Tesla Tequila. 

Now Tesla has moved onto “Giga Beer”. The beer bottle’s design will be drafted off of their not quite ubiquitous Cybertruck.

Initial press releases mention nothing about the beer at all. It will probably be better to not drink and save it in hopes of flipping it

More Silos

You know you have reached Paso Robles when you see the massive silver fermentation tanks outside the ever growing Firestone Walker brewery complex.

Well, it just got bigger. Head HERE to watch a video about the six new tanks that will be put to good use.

I have been seeing quite a few social media posts of L.A. breweries welcoming in new equipment. Perhaps this is an early economic indicator.

Speaking of the Central Coast, I will be making a beer trip! (first since February 2020) and I will have some posts and photos in November.

A Bit Silent

Scrolling through beer social media (except for Twitter), I have seen posts about the Brave Noise beer project and have been heartened to see breweries around the country signing on to help with the cause of making sure that women get treated (as they should already be) as well as men.

But when it comes to Los Angeles, this is the lone post…

I will grant you that the SoCal Cerveceros have cachet in the wider beer world but I thought there would be more action. I will grant that Smog City recently did a beer conceived and created by the women who work there so they get a pass but it would have been great to see other places do it as well.

I do not sit in on brew day decisions or brewing schedules and maybe Oktofest beers were filling tanks so there was no space but not even a one off batch on the R&D brewing set-up? Or designate a weekend where a beer is the Brave Noise sub?

This post isn’t to shame a brewery because I know this community does A LOT of charity. More than I know about probably but it just seems odd and a bit disheartening that there wasn’t a few beers on shelves or on taps.

Pink in 2022

Hop supplier Yakima Chief Hops , have the details on their custom 5th annual Pink Boots Blend of hops. The blend changes each year, and sales help to fund the Pink Boots Society whose mission is to assist, inspire, and encourage women in the fermented and alcoholic beverage industry. International Women’s Day will be on March 8th, 2022. Expect some great beers later that month.

Here is the mix…

The Firkin for September 2021

There are words in the English language that make people squirm. Including squirm or the leader in the category, moist.

There are beer descriptors that turn me off. I am wary of specific terms like sweet. But what really boils my blood is the term “crushable”. You can read a take on it from The Punch, HERE.

I guess, for me, it just conjures up people drinking just to drink. Not drinking to enjoy whichever beverage it is. Not drinking with a group of friends, not drinking and enjoying football or soccer. But it is just drinking. Like inhaling a bag of chips for no reason other than being on the couch.

I am not going to sermonize that every beer is meant to be analyzed with every sip. Far from it. Sometimes the best experiences are the ones we let wash over us. But “crushable” isn’t anywhere near experience. It is neanderthal, violent and best left at Animal House.

Brewers can put the word on their labels but they should know that many people do not have the same definition of the word,


Here is a sobering statistic for you, “88% of U.S. craft brewery owners and 89% of brewers are Caucasian (and majority male).”

But there is a way to help bring about change….

“To help increase representation in the brewing industry, UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education is launching “Pour it Forward,” a crowdfunding effort to fund a full, diversity-focused scholarship to its prestigious UC Davis Online Master Brewers Certificate Program.

“Changing an industry takes time, but education and the lifetime of opportunities it represents is the first step,” said Dr. Glen Fox, academic director of the Master Brewers Certificate Program. “By supporting ‘Pour it Forward,’ beer enthusiasts will have a lasting, positive impact on both the scholarship recipient and the industry we are all so passionate about.”

“Pour it Forward” runs from October 1st-31st and is part of the annual “Crowdfund UC Davis” campaign, which raised nearly $800,000 from more than 3,900 gifts in 2020. “Pour it Forward” hopes to raise $16,000 to cover all fees and materials for the Online Master Brewers Certificate Program, including a week-long, in-person bootcamp at UC Davis’ state-of-the-art August A. Busch III pilot brewery and Sierra Nevada Brewing Science laboratory.”


September 13th saw a new bottle measure added to California…

According to the Surfrider Foundation, “AB 962 would create a returnable bottle system in California and preserve bottles so that they can be washed and refilled by beverage producers rather than being crushed for recycling. It would also allow for returnable bottles to flow through the state’s Beverage Container Recycling Program (CRV/Bottle Bill). This bill would even the playing field between bottle washers and recyclers by paying the same amount.”

Granted we can do more but every little step helps. I don’t think we will ever hit the heights of growlers back in the early days but maybe we can get a return a bottle, buy a bottle going.

Where the Greyhounds At?

Craft beer likes to “borrow” or as the might say in the Premier League, put “on loan”. But I have yet to see many Ted Lasso beer names out there.

No “Football is Life”. No “Diamond Dogs”. No Earl Greyhound.

No AFC Richmond logo anywhere.

Maybe Apple is the one company where IP is not touched?

Successor Needed

First, head HERE to read about Sister Doris Engelhard and the Mallersdorf Abbey brewery.

What is interesting is that in fifty years, no one else was hired? No recruitment of an assistant or assistants in all that time?

Which leads me to ponder how other breweries are planning to transition. If big enough, you can choose employee owned but many breweries just do not hit that threshold. All it would take is one unfortunate event for the whole thing to come tumbling down.

Maybe this is where a law firm specializing in small business could exploit a niche and create transition plans for breweries.