HERE is another great beer information spot for you to add to your brew reading list. Good posts on beer communication and Nano Brewing as well as videos of great beers.
Great article on beer marketing
I just bought Pete Brown’s book and then I saw this article (filled with beer ads) about the marketing side of beer.
Very eye opening and a little disheartening. But then I thought of all the great beer under the radar (adwise) and was re-heartened.
L.A. Times on the craft beer bandwagon
Finally we are getting some love from the L.A. Times. Too few and far between for my tastes but check out this ARTICLE.
(I posted my quick review of Stout a day ahead of the times. I SCOOPED them!)
Dirigible beer
more expensive beer news from Draft Magazine
“Seventy-two years ago, the Hindenberg airship went down in flames, killing 38 people, injuring another 60, and destroying all the beer on board. Or so we thought…
On Saturday, auctioneers Henry Aldridge and Son will sell off one bottle of Lowenbrau found by firefighter Leroy Smith at the scene of the accident. Smith’s niece now owns the beer, which is expected to fetch a shade under $9,000. Assuming it reaches the price, it will become the most expensive bottle of beer ever sold. Actually, since a $400 bottle of limited edition Carlsberg currently holds the record, we’re pretty certain the Lowenbrau will exceed that amount.”
Great Quote from the NY Times
“But the enemy of good beer and good wine, and good food in general, is bad beer, bad wine and, yes, bad food.
What unites this team is the striving for real wine, real beer, and real food, as opposed to cynical product. That is the problem, and I think most people realize this no matter what they say or do. Craft beer’s battle is not against wine but against decades of cynical marketing from the giant breweries, which have done everything possible to portray beer drinkers as asinine fools. The enemy of good wine is the atrocious marketing that makes wine an aspirational commodity, just another luxury good to purchase for its status value. That has to offend the reverse snob in all of us.”
Eric Asimov
this month's Beer Advocate
You should check out the print edition (I know…I know. I’m old fashioned) because there are some cool articles on Hair of the Dog, English IPA’s and Crafstman Brewing.
or you can see what the beer geeks are ranting about HERE
I am repeating myself but…
…it’s Thursday, so go check out FoodGPS for my latest column and let me know what you think.
The Drunken Polack
This is a really cool website to learn about the cutting edge of beer. Dave reviews all sorts of beers and has an extensive list of beers he is willing to trade. Check out his site HERE to learn about his take on Stone Juxtaposition (amongst other beers).
Top 50 beers according to…
..Roger Protz
Pete Brown
Zak Avery
Jeff Evans
Click HERE for the slideshow.
It’s a Euro-Centric list. Strong on Hook Norton (which is fine) but includes Guinness and Sam Adams. Sure to cause controversy.