Charitable Wave

I have tweeted about supporting Ladyface Ales who was affected by the horrible November fires that hit California. I will also be visiting myself (rain or shine oh deluded orange leader) to buy a beer or two as a small gesture.

Sierra Nevada is making an even bigger gesture to help those who have lost due to the Camp Fire.

image courtesy of Sierra Nevada Brewing

They have a Sierra Nevada Camp Fire Relief Fund with Golden Valley Bank Community Foundation. They have deposited the large amount of $100,000 to seed the fund and “will distribute all donated money to partner organizations that are dedicated to rebuilding and supporting the communities that have been affected.”

If you would like to donate, follow this LINK or checks can be made payable to “GVBCF – Sierra Nevada” and either dropped off at Golden Valley Bank or mailed to 190 Cohasset Road, Chico, CA 95926.

Fight the Floppy Ass Comb Over

A new documentary that touches the Chicago beer scene will be hitting the movie festival circuit. Entitled “F*** Your Hair,” the movie from Jason Polevoi aims the camera lens at the Latino-owned craft brewery 5 Rabbit Cerveceria and their bold decision to stop making a house beer for a Donald Trump-owned hotel in Chicago.

The owners of 5 Rabbit, Andres Araya and Mila Ramirez are themselves immigrants and chose to make a stand against the racist and quite frankly un-American current immigration policy as embodied in our delusion in orange hair chief.

There might even be screenings at breweries across the country. But for now, a trailer….

GoFund Eagle Rock

Frivolous lawsuits are bad enough. Merge that with a patriarchy pusher and you have a really shitty situation.

Beloved trailblazing Los Angeles brewery, Eagle Rock has been targeted by one of these man-babies (sorry to all the actual babies who behave better than this jackass).

All because they have a Women’s Beer Forum. I will let Ting Su describe what went down below, but first I want you, dear reader, to head to this GoFundMe page and make a donation in whatever amount you can. As of my writing, they were 85% to their goal, which is great but what we need to do is show solidarity with the makers of Solidarity and close this damn legal loophole.

Here is the statement that I alluded to…(try to not get angry at the asshat who did this because even calling him an asshat might get a lawsuit)
“Back in 2009 when we opened Eagle Rock Brewery, I noticed that the few women who were visiting our tasting room and attending beer events throughout town were often pigeon-holed by their male counterparts into drinking only specific beer styles. And when women asked me (a fellow woman behind the bar) about beer-style recommendations, some men would interject by sharing what they thought women should drink. After seeing this so frequently I felt compelled to create an environment that was less male-dominated than anything else in the beer world. The Women’s Beer Forum was created to serve as an educational platform for more women interested in learning about beer, tasting through different beer styles, and being with a community of other women who enjoy good beer. On occasion, we would have men attend, present, and even participate in the discussions. It was simply named “Women’s Beer Forum” because I wanted to create a comfortable, safe environment for more women to actively join the conversation about craft beer. Most every other beer bar or beer event that I attended had predominantly men in attendance, and I felt there was a true need to balance the gender scale. Thus, the Women’s Beer Forum has been recurring monthly since March 2011.

In November of 2017, we received an email from an individual who claims to be a men’s rights activist. He reported that he emailed our general email line and was informed by one of our staff that the upcoming Women’s Beer Forum was for ‘women only.’ He then proceeded to demand thousands of dollars from us, while also threatening a discrimination complaint through the government if we refused to pay. Since he had never purchased admission through our online sales portal, we were unaware about his request to attend the Women’s Beer Forum. We apologized about the miscommunication and offered him an opportunity to learn about the same flight of beers provided at the event for the same ticket price. He declined the educational opportunity and instead filed a claim through the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). After 7 months of waiting for a response, DFEH notified us of their decision that there was reasonable cause to open a case. Our only options: Pay a settlement to him or defend ourselves in a potential lawsuit that they would file on his behalf.

Looking at this situation from a moral standpoint, our decision seemed easy…We defend what we had worked so hard to create! But another question arose: Were we defending our beloved Eagle Rock Brewery or the Women’s Beer Forum? The sad truth we faced is that while defending ourselves against litigation it would mean risking the very brewery itself.

Career plaintiffs in such cases like these are able to make a living off of filing these types of complaints because most businesses choose to preserve the financial security of the company and pay them off. Career plaintiffs, similar to the “men’s rights activist” we are up against, can make comfortable livings by getting paid out through exploiting loopholes in legislation. All they do is fill out a couple forms per case and wait for checks from their complaints to start rolling in.

It kills me to say that we ended up settling. It’s something we had to do in order to protect the business (Eagle Rock Brewery), our home, the livelihoods of our team, and the investments made by friends and family who believe in us. At this point, we still have to come up with the funds for our legal fees and the settlement amount.

Further, we truly believe that justice hasn’t been achieved and the fight isn’t over. To prevent this from happening again in the future, we are also raising funds to build awareness throughout the beer and small business communities. Our goal is to work on getting legislators to amend the Unruh Act and eliminate the ongoing abuse of this law. As much as we would love to simply put this situation behind us, we very strongly feel there needs to be more awareness about these “men’s rights activists” who target and unfairly take advantage of women’s groups and small businesses. The more people who know about this can protect themselves, their friends, and businesses from such fraudulent claims, the fewer opportunity extortionists have of continuing to make a living off of it!

We are asking for your help. Please consider making a contribution to our campaign, sharing our story, being a unified voice with us, or just stopping by Eagle Rock Brewery to give us a hug or high-five. Thank you all for the support!”

Kew the Fungi

If you are wondering why Kew Garden is on a beer blog then you should read on because they have worked up a state of the union for the fungi of the world and it touches upon beer in a few different ways even though the surface has hardly been scratched when it comes to the world of fungus.

Per their report, “Only 56 species have had their conservation status globally evaluated – compmared to 25,452 plants and 68,054 animals.”. Considering that yeast falls into this category, beer folks should be paying attention. Fungi can be mushrooms or medicine and apparently are more animal than plant.

That last one probably got your attention but the list of effects on beer is potentially long:
– they cycle nutrients. Hops and barley need nutrients to grow.
– they can break down plastic. The cups at festivals could be eaten up and not tossed away.
– they can create bio-fuels. The delivery trucks could be powered by them.
– they create bread and cheese, soy sauce, citric acid

Who knows what more science can find in fungi that will impact beer in the years to come.


Verdugo West is no more. Don’t worry. In this case they are just changing the name. Even the branding is staying the same. The name of their IPA struck a chord and so they are now….. Trustworthy Brewing Co.

That is not the only news from the Burbank brewery. “By the end of the year Gigil Pilsner, Wax Wing Blonde Lager, Trustworthy IPA, Brass Jar Hoppy Amber and What Plane? Oatmeal Stout will be available in 4-pack 16oz cans.”

So get your Verdugo West gear now. It might be a collectors item.

RIP – Pacific Plate / Glendale

Sad news to report, Pacific Plate is pulling out of the Glendale market…

They opened the satellite taproom back on February 26, 2017 and they will close up on this Sunday, September 23.

Though the place was well appointed on the inside and the beers were solid, that location at the way southern end of Glendale was not, in my opinion, great. There are Glendale restaurants and shops that have trouble on the main section of Brand and the Americana (probably due to rent) has had a lot of turnover too. Being stuck at the bottom of car buying row was not optimal.

I wish I had gone more but I didn’t and that part is on me but considering the vast amounts of seriously empty retail space at the ground floor of the million condos in the Jewel City, taking over a space with customers an elevator ride away though pricier might have been the better deal.


I have never been a big Frank Zappa fan or a fan of his offspring’s music either. In fact, I probably see him more as a philosopher more than anything else. But whether you like the music or not, you might be soon drinking an IPA with a hop named after him.

The Zappa hop has been mostly used by Sierra Nevada to this point. Primarily because they own most of the 2018 crop. That might change if the hop gets more acreage in the coming years. Zappa is similar to the Medusa hop, which “is a Neomexicanus variety lauded for imparting intense guava, melon, apricot, and citrus fruit.”

Whether it fits in with the Haze craze is yet to be seen.

Better Use of Hops

Now that H2OPS is in my local Whole Foods, I will occasionally pick up a bottle partially to spite the La Croix people but also I like the taste of it. I wish it were hoppier and that they had single-hop waters but I am not complaining.

Now Lagunitas with that mad Heineken money is getting into the sparkle water segment with a Citra, Equinox, and Centennial hops water as part of (I guess) their foray into weed water, Hi-Fi Hops.

This water also has brewers yeast “which the company said will “biotransform-ate the hops to just the right flavour.”

Personally, I think the spiked water trend is not long for this world, much like the spiked soda’s seem on the verge of playing out. Maybe this will work but it will need to have some actual hop kick for me to buy more than one.

Cask Ale Week

Less than a month until Cask Ale Week. Granted this is more tilted to the British beer drinking populace but we have our options here in Los Angeles. So take the opportunity to show your traditional style love with #caskaleweek.

How Did I Miss Season 1?

Within two weeks, I have heard about First We Feast videos when I they had never come past my radar before. And the second time is beer related with Dogfish Head founder Sam Calagione hosting videos by the name of ‘That’s Odd, Let’s Drink It’.

The first season had a true variety of guests such as Chris Bosh, Ken Marino & Joe Lo Truglio, Mac Miller.

Season 2 is coming and “in each episode of the six-part series, Sam leads an entertaining, educational beer tasting with his guests as he takes them on a full-on sensory adventure of sorts where they taste and talk about beer.”

You should be able to find the show on YouTube because it premiered just last Tuesday! Guests for the new season are YouTube sensations Rhett & Link, comedian Bert Kreischer, Flaming Lips lead singer Wayne Coyne, musician Julianna Barwick, rapper N.O.R.E. and First We Feast host Sean Evans.