LA Cider Fest

Coming in September is a fest for the cider fans that are out there in L.A.

LA Cider Fest will focus on cider with beer and mead on the agenda as well on September 19th.


Though I wish there was less beer on the agenda (and the names are a bit hoky), I do appreciate the organization of the ciders by style into different tasting pavilions.  I would suggest doing the cider only areas first then move on to mixes with mead as a last stop.

7 Blue Palms

I have cut back on beer festivals in the past few years. I can count on one hand how many I look forward to attending each year and the Blue Palms Anniversary is one of those. Brian Lenzo seems to attract awesome kegs to his parties. Like a keg Pied Piper. Mark the date down on your calendar (after purchasing your tickets) and get ready to be amazed.


Here are more of the details:

BLUE PALMS 7th Anniversary Celebration

August 9th ~ Noon – 5 p.m.

Collectors Glass & (20) taster wristband

Unlimited Core Beer Booth

90 + Specialty and Rare Craft Beer

Music, Games & More

We’ll be pouring 90 + beers in the Blue Palms, The Fonda Theater and the Outside Parking Lot.


Beachwood 4

I know that I haven’t even posted about Beachwood’s L.A. Beer Week events but their anniversary party this year looks to be a mega tap list of goodies.
As seen from this screenshot, there is enough casks and aged rarities to keep one busy for days. Plus a new beer!

That is one month from now!

Verdugo Boulevard

Not the actual boulevard but Boulevard beer at the Verdugo who hosted a special  tasting on Saturday directly after a similar soiree at Sunset Beer Co.

I have been absent from the Glassell Park bar for too long and with a bright sunny day on their back patio beckoning, I sipped on three different beers from the Midwest brewery making a new push into L.A.


I started with the Lemon Ginger Radler which was very refreshing.  The ginger was hinted at in good balance.  This was my favorite on the afternoon.  Easy drinking is an understatement.

The Pop-Up Session IPA was fine.  But in comparison to my gold standard of Easy Jack, it faltered.  I want a certain brightness and crispness that I didn’t quite get from this one.

My other hop choice was the Heavy Lifting IPA.  Like the Pop-Up, it was fine.  Not the highest praise, but it didn’t lift itself out of the pack of IPA’s.


Now that L.A. is a destination for out of state breweries, which beers will make their mark?  After this afternoon, my vote is for the Radler.

Fest Review – L.A. Vegan Beer Fest

First time Vegan-Fester, that’s me.  I walked past a gaggle of soccer games near the Rose Bowl on Saturday afternoon towards a backdrop of the San Gabriel’s and the entrance to the Vegan Beer Festival 2015.


This is an impressive venue for a beer event.  There is something about being at the 50 yard line of a stadium that most usually see just on a TV screen. As we all filed onto the field through the stands the layout was simple. Food and beer vendors (some trucks, some not) along the side with shaded beer booths down the middle.

There were two breweries that I specifically wanted to sample.  The new Solarc as well as Wicks. Solarc was pouring their Gruit and a hatch pepper black IPA which was easy on the spice. The trio of flavors worked well for me. I chose the cream ale from Wicks which was fine. Not to the level of TAPS or Beachwood but certainly tasty.

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Of course, I started the day easy with the Firestone Walker Easy Jack which still stands out in a festival crowd. But the other beers that caught my attention were the Ambler from Phantom Carriage. A very refreshing and almost entry level farmhouse ale. Pacific Plate’s Spring Ale was a delightful blend of ginger and other spices. Three Weavers had their Bogemian Bao Bao IPA which had a bright citrusy character to it.  Lastly the newly bottled, I Love It from Noble Ale Works worked hop wonders too.

Don’t be surprised that there isn’t much Vegan food talk. I had Mac and cheese waffle. Both odd and quite good. A little on the puny side for five bucks but it was a well executed mash-up.  Past that there were plenty of options from pizza to tacos to pudding. You could drop some money and be well fed. 

I posted photos of the field in a before and after fashion. The VIP hour and for an hour into the general admission, the lines were not bad at all. By 2:30 when I had my fill of beer, the lines were working their way to too long status. The VIP lounge in the UCLA locker room was full and bottlenecks were 405’ing in pockets.

I heard that the total number of tickets were in the 6k range. Maybe even 7k.   That is an impressive amount of people. And one that makes me wonder if the organizers would be better served to make this a two session event. I, for one, would enjoy drinking under the stars in a night session. 

That suggestion aside, this is a well run festival where you get your money’s worth. Especially if you go the VIP ticket route. The setting and the more fun- less beer bro nature of the vegan and beer crowd make for a good afternoon. 


Cismontane Brewing will celebrate their 5th Anniversary Party from Friday the 29th through the 31st which will include the unveiling of their 5 Grain Saison Anniversary beer.

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Here is the schedule for those heading to Rancho Santa Margarita:
Friday – Firkin Friday.
Stop by after work and kick off the weekend. We will have 5 firkins and vintage library releases for purchase.

Saturday – Cismontane Celebration.
There will be music, a food truck, and lots of fun! Ticket includes commemorative t-shirt and 8 – 9oz pours.

Sunday – Bike & Brew.
Come on a fun bike ride for all levels then cool off with special selections on tap for bikers.

Craft Beer Week 2015

I have never been super clear about what American Craft Beer Week is supposed to accomplish. Here in L.A., the festival season is starting to swell by the time the week rolls around. This year ACBW is from May 11-17th. But there are events aplenty before, during and after that would still go on whether there was an ACBW or not.

No knock on the idea but I think it needs to be more about celebrating the beer weeks that are everywhere nowadays. The ACBW should be the place to go for information on what makes a beer week great, what should be avoided, how a consumer should navigate the myriad of events and the like. Plus an up-to-date schedule of nationwide beer weeks would be nice.

Maybe I am one of those guys that is too jaded and hates the fact that every day has some obscure celebration attached to it. Frankly, I don’t give a crap about May the Fourth Be With You Day or National Stapler Appreciation Friday. If I like craft beer, I like it all year. Not just for a week.

You can check out the fancy graphic created for the week HERE. Below is the USA Today style blurb on California.