Pint’s Pub

Denver, like Portland and now Los Angeles is full of great places to sit down and have a great craft brew or two. Pint’s Pub marries the English pub with the American brewpub. All of their beers sound great but the Dark Star caught my eye.
Here is the description to whet your appetite…”Dark Star Ale
Live ale from the hand pump. A robust nut-brown ale with a malty start and a traditional dry-hopped finish.”

Ojai Beverage Company

Since my parents are more into wine than beer, I am relieved to find places that serve both and serve both well. The Ojai Beverage Company is such a place.

This is a recent tap list. (Yes, tap list)
St. Louis Framboise Lambic
Sierra Nevada Crystal Wheat
North Coast Scrimshaw Pilsner
Green Flash West Coast IPA
Paulaner Salvador Doppelbock
Unibroue Trois Pistoles Strong Dark Ale
Abita Turbo Dog Brown Ale
Shipyard Pugsley’s Signature XXXX IPA
Klokke Roeland Belgian Strong Ale
Kona Pipeline Porter
Acme Pale Ale
Nitrogen Tap-Island Brew. Starry Night Stout

Check their website HERE