Pretty Things – new bitter

The Ale Project of Pretty Things has a new beer, Hedgerow Bitter, described as “…our first properly-hoppy beer. We wanted a beer that was dry and bitter, and that’s what we got. 5.4% abv with all UK grown hedgerow variety hops: Pioneer, First Gold and Sovereign.”

I’ve had one Pretty Things ale and now I want more!

Beer Savers

Thanks to the innovations column by Lisa Morrison (man is she finding good stuff that I want to pass on), here is something that might help out when you have a bomber you want to open but don’t want to power it all down in one night and would rather enjoy it over two.

Beer Savers! to the rescue!

Now, I have not tried this product but because of fridge space being limited, a nice little cap would work wonders instead of a stopper that protrudes out.

Lucky Labrador Mutt IPA

I love quirky ideas that grow big, and one of these is the dog friendly Lucky Labrador.

They have taken it a step further by having a IPA made with a bunch of different hop varietals and calling it MUTT. Brilliant in my book. They grow hops at a couple (maybe more now) of their locations and get more from friends of the brewery and it becomes this communal hop pickin’ party that ends up in a brilliant IPA a few months after.

Malty Bomb from Full Sail

Here is some news for fans of special Full Sail beers. If you are one of those who base your judgement of the Hood River brewery on their regular line-up, this might be a beer that re-connects you with a historic NW brewer…

from the press release…“Full Sail Brewing will release a new beer in their Brewer’s Share line up that is sure to entice the snow gods to bless the season with plenty of powdery snow. Brewed by Full Sail Brewer Adam Bulson, “Adam’s Malty Bomb” is pray for powder porter that’s sure to make our mountain snowy white all season long.

Porters are Adam’s favorite beer after a day on the snow, and he thought releasing his own version preseason would be a good omen for a great winter. Adam’s Malty Bomb is a robust porter with a big body and lots of dark, caramel/toffee flavor, yet it won’t weigh you down like heavy snow. It’s hopped with just enough hops to balance out the malts, and finishes smooth with no sharp edges. Bomb’s away! (ABV 5.3% IBU 41)”

Eagle Rock Homebrew store

Greg Beron and Kevin Koenig part of the driving force of the famed Culver City Home Brew Club are creating a new outpost in Eagle Rock. Going eastside is great for me. Now I can have a local home brew shop!

More news and website info and if I am lucky an interview will follow.

Consider this a heads-up.


New Belgium and Allagash have collaborated on one beer with what appears to be wildly different main ingredients.

Check out this cool video that they put together…

The results post

Everytime I hear about the Great American Beer Festival gold, silver and bronze winners, I think of all the categories that there are now. 79 plus the pro-am winner. That is a wonderful testament to the resurgence of craft beer in this country. I don’t care that 90+ percent of the country drink the industrial water lager because there is a bounty of great beer everywhere you go. And just like people now require better coffee and people refuse to eat individually sliced “American” cheese, soon craft beer will be the default.

So, check out the GABF website to see what beers you should be tracking down. And to get more number crunching check out the excellent Brookston Beer Bulletin.

….and a big congrats to my local, Eagle Rock Brewery for winning the Pro-Am competition with their wonderful Red Velvet.

William Wilberforce Freedom ale

Beer for a cause. I love the community work done by our brewers. If it isn’t donating for a festival to raise money it is creating whole new beers with proceeds to go to help.

Here is another one from the UK!

WW Freedom was “produced to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act on 25th March, 1807. Traditionally floor-malted Maris Otter pale ale malt, crystal malt and Kentish hops combine with Fairtrade Demerara sugar to produce a deep golden ale. It is characterised by its mellow bitterness and long hoppy finish.

A contribution from the sale of each bottle is made to Stop the Traffik. Stop The Traffik is a global coalition of organizations, communities & individuals raising awareness of people trafficking & promoting practical action through a global declaration, media, events, celebrities & projects around the world through 2006 & 2007.”

Hoghaus Oktoberfest

When you say craft beer, the American southeast is not the first place thought of but you can find some fun beery events everywhere in the US.

Example 1

~Magicians, Caricature Drawings, Obstacle Courses, Jumpers & Farm Animals!
~Hog Haus Tent
~Barrel Races
~Concession Booths & Craft Vendors
~Local Live Music
~Home Brew Competition
~Brat Eating Contest & Pumpkin Painting Contest