Here is your first look at the label for XXVIII – 2024 Firestone Walker Anniversary blend.  I will update you when the blend details are available but know that if you are in California or the FW distribution network that you should get a bottle or two even without knowing what is inside the bottle.

Lagunitas Review # 1 – A Little Sumpin’, Sumpin’

There are quite a few Sumpin’s in the Lagunitas Brewing back catalog but the latest is a near DIPA range Wheat IPA. So, this month, I thought that I would review a couple from this heritage brewery that is still hanging on after more halcyon days.

The wheat Sumpin’ pours a swirl of orange and yellow. Getting orange peel on the nose. First sip is close to an orange pekoe tea flavor but something seems off here. There is an earthy undertone that isn’t fitting in well. Or maybe it is just to tea tannic for my tastes. Doesn’t taste 7.5% though.

Limited Larks

You may recognize the name Hoplark as the creator of hopped teas and waters that I usually see at Whole Foods but can also be bought online.

You may not know that they also have limited editions like…

..or like this…

…might be a good alternative when the sun rachets up the heat.

Mac the Saison

McMinnville, Oregon home of my alma mater, Linfield is smack dab in Oregon wine country but beer has been there too.  And now there is a MacCollab from four of the seven breweries that call Wildcat Country home.  Four Rows Saison-Style Farmhouse Ale from Golden Valley Brewery, Heater Allen Brewing, Grain Station Brew Works, and ForeLand Beer is a “crisp and dry brew features aromas of citrus and black pepper phenols, and was made with a carefully balanced mix of Pilsner, Vienna and Rye and hopped with Saaz and Hallertau Blanc.”

In the AgriHood

First, check out this nice piece at San Diego Beer News, right HERE.

OK, now that you are back. A – I have added Fox Point as a top tier destination the next time I head south, because I really dig the whole farm to table thing even though the phrase has lost some of its initial energy but also because the photos really make the place look calm and tranquil.

Gives me Stone World Bistro vibes but a little more earthy.