Brett Beer

It is collaborative and very Yeasty beer day here at the Beer Search Party. And if Brux isn’t enough Bretty goodness for you then how about this….

The simply named Brett Beer from New Belgium and Lost Abbey. Here is the brewery description: “brewed simply with pale malts accompanied by Target, Centennial and Sorachi hops for a hint of citrus. Focusing on their mutual respect for the ingredient, the spotlight shines on the brettanomyces, where a full brett fermentation offers bold pineapple overtones and funky, sour edge. The beer is a shining, golden shade and is warming and dry.”


Sierra Nevada is collaborating again and this one is with a fairly close by neighbor, Russian River!

They have partnered to create Brux Domesticated Wild Ale with an ABV of 8.3%. It got it’s intro to the beer world at craft beer event in Asheville earlier this month and might be on store shelves (limited release) as of now!

Stift Engelszell

The world of Trappist beer is growing into virgin territory as it were as the world’s eighth Trappist brewery, Stift Engelszell has been deemed worthy and now they are ready to ship beers to U.S. Lucky US.

Two beers are slated to get to us, Gregorius, a Dark Triple and lighter Belgian ale by the name of Benno.

The monikers come from past abbey leaders. Gregorius Eisvogel and Benno Stumpf both abbots of Engelszell.

The Perfect Storm

Oakshire Brewing Perfect Storm Double IPA is a great IPA name in my opinion and from the brewery description it sounds like a great bitter DIPA as well.

“Brewed in a single batch in May ’12, this ale shows gorgeous floral and citrus hops character – led by the amazing tangerine-intensive Zythos – with toasted nut bread, and figs from the warm malt profile.”

St. Feuillien Grand Cru

ST-Feuillien has come out with a Grand Cru!

“Grand Cru is a Specialty Beer Carefully crafted by Belgium’s Brewery St Feuillien. This extra-blond amber nectar masterpiece undergoes secondary fermentation in the bottle, resulting in a beer endowed with an unforgettable character. The secret lies in the unique combination of the MOST noble hops and the finest aromatic ingredients. Grand Cru differs from other beers in the range by a lack of spices. Its full, white head is light and frothy, and when poured it creates a subtle lace effect.”

St. Bernardus Tokyo Wheat Ale

An odd mash-up St. Bernardus Tokyo Wheat Ale wouldn’t you say?

I would have loved to be in the meeting where they came up with a Belgian/Japanese wheat ale. The last two items not normally associated with Belgium and abbey-esque beers. I wonder what ideas didn’t make the cut? But I do love the St. Bernardus beers (especially the Christmas ale).


I know some craft beer lovers out there are tired of the terroir and estate hops and malts trend. Just like they may have tired of collaborative beers but I simply can’t get enough of them. Literally. I have been lucky to have some Rogue and Sierra Nevada local sourced ingredient ales but there have been some done in Colorado and New Zealand that I haven’t got to try and now this Wisconsin ale comes along and puts me further behind.

You can read more about this beer over at All About Beer.

Ex Umbris

Hess Brewing is one of many San Diego breweries that I haven’t been able to taste yet. A road trip is long overdue for sure. And Maybe I can snag a bottle of their stout that has rye and three hop additions.

The good kind of Shenanigans

In the last Session, I wrote of my fondness for the surprise beer. The one that comes out of nowhere and makes you sit up straighter. Well, surprises happens to brewers as well, and that is where Odell and Shenanigans comes into play…
“Our spirited brewers diligently cultivate recipes on our pilot brewing playground. Sometimes, things don’t turn out as planned…they turn out better. Destined for another adventure, this delightful crimson ale is aged in oak with just a touch of Brettanomyces. The subtle Brett tartness balances the rich amber malt with hints of dried fruit and light citrus. Our ode to the happy accident, Shenanigans was just too good not to share.”

India Red Lager

The 2nd annual PDX Beer Week begins tomorrow in Beervana and the 2012 official beer is a collaboration between Hopworks and Deschutes and is a style mash-up, an India Red Lager.

So, if you find yourself in Portland between tomorrow and the 17th. Be on the look out for this limited time beer.