A Hitch in my Giddy Up


Hands down winner of best beer label design and also winner of (the probably) most costly label award to (for cutting out the arrows) are from Crux Fermentation Project and another cool label is ready for the Mosaic IPA (imperialized) which they describe as….”Hops climb up twine that’s just loosely tied to the trellis with a half hitch knot— and this Imperial IPA is just loosely tied to tradition. The Mosaic hop imparts surprisingly floral aromas instead of the more expected grapefruit-y notes. On the palate, complex layers of flavors might remind you of guava, mango, stone fruit and lemon, unraveling your idea of what an Imperial IPA should be.”

Two New to start 2014 with

13-0906 SinTax

1) Mother Earth – Sin Tax

“Premium British crystal and roasted malts meld with a Maris Otter base and American hops, giving way to a brown sugar and peanut butter essence that finishes beautifully.” So writes Co-Founder and Head Brewer Kamron Khannakhjavani on the label back.”


2. Ninkasi – Dawn of the Red

“This beer has the bitterness and drinkability of an India Pale Ale and uses some newer hops that create a real juicy flavor profile of mangos, papaya, and pineapple,”

Class of ’88

Deschutes and Goose Island have teamed up for the final Class of ’88 installment….


And here is the little blurb put out about it…”This exotic beer was brewed with Michigan Riesling and Oregon Pinot Noir grapes, hops from Mt. Hood and pilsner malt – all aged in barrels that previously held Muscat wine in them for 10 years. ”  Beers with grapes can be tricky to make beer-y enough with good wine characteristics so this will be a test to see how these two “ancient” breweries handle it.

Ecliptic Filament Winter IPA


Talk about a cool and understated label with an intriguing beer from Ecliptic inside.  The name is an inspired choice.  Fits the brewery name and the season.  Though, I have started seeing the nomenclature of Winter or Fall IPA’s on some beers and I hope this sub-set of a style gets some clarification.  Otherwise we could be heading toward a free-fall come judging time.



Beachwood Brewing (home to many a 2013 GABF medal) is finishing their bottle year with an Imperial Espresso Stout.  And they had me at Portola Coffee Lab….

“Tovarish is a bold Russian imperial stout brewed with a base of British Maris Otter barley, heaping amounts of roasted barley, and specialty malts. “Tovarish is a remarkably rich and complex beer,” says Brewmaster & Co-owner Julian Shrago. It is finished with a touch of black-strap molasses along with a custom roasted coffee blend by Portola Coffee Lab in Costa Mesa, CA. “Savor the layers of roast, coffee, and dark fruits with every sip,” continues Shrago.”

Some British Oak


It is good to see more oak aged beers from Great Britain.  At least for now, until Scottish voters decide on their political fate.  And though this isn’t spelled in the 10th Doctor way, I would love to see how Tennent’s is treated by whisky oak.  Might add a whole new dimension.

German Alt Comeback

Now the Freigeist folks have a seriously cool design thing.  Sort of horror movie font and black and white but with brewery images.  Love the whole design of the label….


…and I love that it is an altiber!  I have seen some Freigeist bottles around L.A. and now I will have to look even harder.



If you have had Fred from Hair of the Dog then you will need to try this companion beer “from the wood” that bears the name of Otto.  And wears the jaunty Germanic hat.  This palindromic twist on Fred is another aged beer from HotD.  And they certainly know how to make them.

Two from Temecula


I haven’t had the fortune to taste any beers from the Wiens (pronounced, “Weenz”) Brewing Co.  But I like the labels and I would like to taste these and maybe a bottle or two will find their way to L.A. County.  Nudge, nudge.