Brand new beer in a style that New Belgium isn’t known for, until now.
50 from 50 – Ohio
Review – Mikkeller It’s Alive
For once, I am not reviewing a Mikkeller beer that is an IPA. Wonders will never cease.
Review(s) – St. Peter’s
First the Organic English Ale…
…then the Golden Ale
Review – Avery Dugana
I could not wait and had this Colorado beer before 2010 started. But here is the review….
Review – Captain Lawrence
Here is the first video review of the new year! But! It is not the first beer in the 50 States – 50 Beers in 2010 goal that I have set for myself. This was one of the many fabulous beers I enjoyed over the holidays.
33 Beers
33 Beers! Not nearly enough. All joking aside this is a great tool for the beer geek in your life. It has a flavor wheel, sections to fill out for easy remembering and
it’s made with 100% recycled papers sourced in the Pacific Northwest. Interior pages are 100% post-consumer recycled content and covers are 85% post-consumer recycled content and 15% recycled content. The booklets are printed using US-grown soy-based inks in sunny Portland, Oregon.