Glass Merchants Too

Anniversaries have had to be used as pivot points throughout this year and Hop Merchants In North Hollywood would have been celebrating two years, now will be selling fancy glassware they would have used for the special occasion.

The great thing is that you can buy a glass AND something to put in it as well.

Needed or Not? October 2020 – Part 1

Drinking gadgets generally fall under the helpful, outdoorsy and just plain gag gifts. Take a gander at the photo below and you should be able to figure out which of those three categories to put this in….

…the only thing that would make this gag”gier” would be if it were plastic.

Add to your Adidas

Awhile back, I posted about some sweet Adidas that were in beery browns and gold with the word Prost stitched on. Recently I saw the above on the Facebook and putting aside the real or fake debate you have to have with most social media posts, I thought that they are cool looking.

AND it made me think, what local L.A. brewery logo would look good on my trainers. My initial thoughts were the HPB of Highland Park or the E of Eagle Rock but what would be super cool would be the pugilistic lion and bear of Firestone Walker.

Or my BSP logo of course.

No Fingers

Contactless is a key word in today’s world which means the self-serve beer bars and restaurants had a few issues to address. The new Touchless Tap Key is one part of the puzzle. Basically it combines the tech that measures the ounces and price and your credit card with plastic that keeps your grubby little fingers of the taps and screens.

Obviously if mask wearing isn’t prevalent and you have to dodge airborne droplets to get to the tap, then a little doohickey ain’t gonna help but I say anything that can help even a little is good to have. So kudos to iPourIt for this work around.  


Beer fans have stepped up their local game amidst the uncertain world and another way to help out comes from StormBreaker Brewing in Oregon with their I Saved Local Beer t-shirt.  Combining with 20 other breweries for this charity, the shirt will mark this era whenever it is chosen from all the beer shirts in the closet.  And proceeds will fund a Furloughed Friends program for brewery workers.

Sip under the Mask

It was only a matter of time before Etsy and the world finally thought the same thing. How do I make money of masks? And a simple Google search found the above image. Of which there are probably many more. But I like that this one places your order for you.