Beer Trumps Hate

With the recent release of the not surprising / horror movie scary book Fire and Fury that details the shitstorm that is the current White House, maybe it is better to be more optimistic.

That is where Beer Trumps Hate comes in. This series of charity beers was started by Rooftop Brew Co to take action by showing how to not act like a disgruntled toddler.

Each month a different Washington State Brewery brews a beer where the proceeds will benefit a charity of their choosing. Here are the first two beers of the 2018 agenda….

January 2018
Rooftop Brew Co. created the Beer Trumps Hate Imp. Peach Mint IPA, and all proceeds will be donated to Washington Wild.

February 2018
Stoup Brewing is donating the proceeds of their BTH brew to the Refugee Women’s Alliance (ReWA).

We may not be able to drink the beer but they also have a store with stickers and shirts you can buy.

Needed? or Not!

I will admit up front that this gadget is well-nigh useless in sunny all year SoCal. But that said, do you really need a rooftop magnetized beer holder to chill your beer?

Even in chillier climes, you could really only use a few months of the year. And then, only, if you don’t buy from a cooler (which you should), or buy in advance. Is there a market for forgetful winter people and if so, I think you need to be more organized and not just fill your life with gear to enable your lack of planning.

I do like the name, Blitzen and I think that if attached correctly, you won’t get beer/wine missiles hurtling through freeway air but this is NOT NEEDED>

Sudsy Hops

In need of something beer related that is cool for the beer geek on Christmas? It might be too late now for the big day but you can always give a creative IOU for beer soap made from goat milk and beer ingredients from L.A. Ale Works of Hawthorne. Check out Chiva’s Skin Care for the details and soap “flavors” available. Like IPA soap.

Helpful or Not – December 2017 Edition

There seems to be a never-ending supply of beer gear that comes down the pike. I am usually skeptical. All a beer geek really needs is a glass and bottle opener. (and even now with so many cans on the market, the latter isn’t needed all the time)

So, let’s put two new items into the Thunderdome and decide. Useful or Not?

First up is the SixOverOne, which answers the unasked question of why can’t I open a six-pack all at once. Unsurprisingly, I can’t really see the home use for this. Is there a need to open bottles faster than one at a time? Are your friends really that desperate for a beer? Either way, better friends might be the answer instead. I was trending downward on this item and then I saw the price, $22.00. That settled the question. Not useful.

Next up is The Bevometer. What you would get if an old calculator was jammed into a beer koozy (ie)
It seems a little old school in a Pong sort of way. You put a new can into the koozy, then it adds to the number of drinks in your current session, as well as all time.
One of the quotes from the website is: “show friends who can put down the most…” now, granted it contrasts that with keeping track for health but it still seems a little simple. I can make tick marks on a post-it faster plus I already have way to many koozie’s lying around unused. Another Not Useful.

Go Where?

Well anywhere. As long as glass is allowed.

Is this the best for beer? Well, sippy cup should tell you no. But, beer drinkers sometimes need to be creative and piggyback off the wine industry to get the preferred beverage where they need to go. If your home is ambi-spirit-ous, this might be a good all-in-one solution.

Goverre</strong> is the name. Pick less aroma filled beers and you should be A-OK.

Recycle that Sell-Out T-Shirt

You only have a few days left to gain amnesty for those shirts that you got as swag or bought, only to find that the owners sold out.

You could donate to Goodwill or you could make this a learning experience and help educate the beer business unknowing with this….

Head HERE to get started on your amnesty.

Thanks Yelp

BrewDog has gotten it’s fair share of praise and fair share of angry comments and in a move that I wish other breweries and bars would do, have immortalized the bad (now funny) onto t-shirts.

My thinking is that if you starve a troll of oxygen, they lose interest. These shirts might rile one or two up but if BrewDog makes money off their not-so-wry tweets, that could work too.

Prost Trainers

adidas Originals is toasting Oktoberfest with the adidas Munchen. It comes in Festbier colors, with Prost labeled on them and, most importantly, they are water resistant. No Kolsch will ruin your kicks.

They ain’t cheap though, so save your Euros.


Taking beer from where you are to where you will drink it, especially in the hot summer months of SoCal, can test the beer fan who wants to protect their beer. Whether it be just going to the beach or traveling from trains, planes or automobiles.

The Bevpod adds a cooling element and an easy portability that could make it work when, say traveling back from a certain invitational beer festival in Paso Robles where it is always very hot. At a price point around $50, it is better than buying or customizing luggage.

Magic Shed

I quickly scroll by the people posting vacation snaps and selfies on Facebook and Twitter. But show me a video of furniture or RV’s that open up and reveal hidden features, and I am hooked.

So, of course, when I saw the video below, I really, really wanted one. Hidden dartboards people!