
Spinning around YouTube, I came across this video…

….for those who may have lost track of Gordon Biersch and who have a Costco card and have finished their cheap hot dog might want to use this short video as a primer.

AI & Beer

Don’t think I will be too worried about AI in beer writing if Beer Geek AI is any indication.

The link above sends you to an article about wort becoming beer in such an excited tone that you worry for the exclamation points. The headlines for each post also give away that it is some weird affectation as well.

But, who knows, maybe the next version will fix those flaws.

Dr. Beer Butch

Last month, I posted about a Los Angeles Times piece about East of East L.A. breweries and now a follow up on the writer who compiled the piece.  Melissa Mora Hidalgo also wrote for the Times about how beer was part of family life and also writes for L.A. Taco.  

You can catch-up on past writing HERE.

A Taster of Beer News

We obsessive beer geeks can’t get enough beer news. If that sentence strikes close to home then you might want to test drive a beer newsletter called The Taster Tray. It is a Washington State based newsletter but will cover all the beer world.

Their “mission is to promote the craft beer industry while fostering a sense of community and comradery across the industry. Industry-focused, sure, but a lot of you beer drinkers are also pretty darn passionate about beer and want to get a taste of what’s happening in the industry. We like to think of The Taster Tray as beer news from the bar back — from the bar back to the tap, from the tap back to the brewhouse, from the brewhouse back to the farm.”

You can sign up for The Taster Tray at the link.

Brewer to Brewer

There is a now not so new podcast from the folks at the re-invigorated All About Beer magazine called Brewer to Brewer.

The format is simple but fun. One episode a brewer interviews another brewer. Then the next episode the brewer that was interviewed gets to interview a new brewer. And so on, like a daisy chain.

Add it to your beer education content list.

Style Education

Would you like to know more about Cream Ales?  Maybe you want a refresher on the refreshing wheat beer style? Either way, Sense of Beer Style could be the beer educator you need.  Hosted by not one but two Advanced Cicerones in Julia Herz and Jeremy Storton, there a few lessons up now that you just may want to listen to.

Beer Podcast Day – Brewery Travels

Mostly I am recommending this new to me podcast because it has the great combo of homebrewer Sarah Flora with beer scribe Tomm Carroll talking about L.A. beer…

…the podcast is the simply named Brewery Travels hosted by Joel Geier. If you like episode 47, there are a lot of other cities to explore on previous and future episodes.

Stillwater Washington

Stillwater Artisanal Ales has migrated west to Washington State and has teamed with a surprising partner on the way.

Read the full story HERE (which also includes a deeper dive link)

Maybe this means more and fresher Stillwater beer here in SoCal.


The NFL is back in stadiums but the Steelers will be without their long standing QB1 Ben Roethlisberger whose has moved behind the mic to podcast.

Footbahlin will not just be about football though, there will be a craft beer component as well.

I watched the first episode on YouTube because I could not find the just audio version and it has a California backstory. The title of the show is a nod to Anderson Valley’s Boontling dialect.

It is a good example of people not deep into beer just having fun. Something that I lose sight of and have to reel back in. The show is an hour which I find a bit too long. It is more regular conversation instead of tight and edited.

But it is a good education on tasting because kids and QBs say the darndest things.