Beer Bloggers Conference – Day Three

Drinking Flying Fish Exit 4 and listening to Brewvana talk about his view on what beer blogging should be and how he got craft beer on mutiple media outlets.

Before that 8 different “co-workers” gave presentations on what they know about. I have had a lot of great craft beer but I have learned more.

Check out the Facebook posts and Twitter streams to see the minute by minute breakdown. Type in Beer Bloggers Conference and start reading. More detailed cogent posts to follow when I have processed it all.

And a bazillion photos too.

Beer Bloggers Conference – Day Two

A long but educational day. Many speakers from blogging communities to sensory info. Oh and Jamie Floyd from Ninkasi dressed as Darth Vader. And I captured two Six Points beer. AND my new favorite beer from Breakside. Gin barrel double wit. Just wow. AND a sneak of Jubel 2011. More on that and The Love of Beer movie later in the week.

August’s other Beer Blog

You may have noticed that my video beer reviews are few and far between. Usually topping out at four a month. And you don’t see me in any of them. That is because I am not a big fan of the “white guy in front of a camera with a beer” video.

But, I recently stumbled upon Beer Geek Nation on iTunes and I was impressed. Chris has a great personality and his videos follow three rules that I think are essential to creating a good video.

1. Interesting beers. He is reviewing a wide swath of beers from across the country. He must have some serious beer hook-ups. Six-Point in New York to 21st Amendment in San Francisco and judging by the bottles in the background of some shots there are some excellent beers in the wings.

2. The videos are short. All in the five minute range. You can watch a couple at a time without looking at the watch because the pacing is done well too.

3. He breaks it up with graphics. This is something on my to-do list as well. It really helps fighting that static one shot that can lull viewers to sleep.

So check out his reviews. I think you will learn something

July’s Other Beer blog

Being born and raised in Oregon means I like to hear about what is going on in Oregon beers from down south in LA. And one of the better stops to get my Portland Beer Info fix is Jeff Alworth’s Blog Beervana.

He has also in the process of writing a book plus he has a book of his best beer musings out too.

Check out the Beervana. It’s almost as good as going to the actual place.

June’s other Beer Blog – The Full Pint

I have seen the Full Pint guys at many an LA beer event and since I was talking California breweries this month, I figured I should give a “Tip of the Hat” as Stephen Colbert says to these California beer writers.

They have a full but not busy site with beer reviews, beer news and most importantly, events that you can attend.

So stop by and check out their site today!

News and Brews blog

New angles onto the craft beer world are hard to come by in this blogging world but this is a novel twist. Matching the news of the world with the great beer of the world.

News and Brews is a nice site that you can learn about something in addition to beer!

So check it out and let me know what you think!

Beer Blogger – A Beer in the Hand

A Beer in the Hand is my featured blogger of the month.

This is what first caught my eye on the site:

BrewDog Abstrakt AB:01
BrewDog Abstrakt AB:02
BrewDog Abstrakt AB:03
BrewDog Abstrakt AB:04

Limited edition beers are like catnip to me but then I started reading the posts too and they are really good and have some home brew information that I sorely lack.

So take a read.


What do you get if you cross FourSquare with beer?

You get Untappd.
Take a look…..

It allows you to check on what others are drinking (right now) as you input what you are drinking.

The only downside other than being pretty addictive to watch the beers scroll by is when an industrial water lager pops up. So sad that people would waste time and money on that and then proclaim it. It’s like tweeting that I aerosoled some Cheese Whiz into my mouth. (I would never, ever do that)