Sierra Nevada Beer Camp


So, Sierra Nevada is holding a contest for it’s famed Beer Camp. They asked for submissions as to why someone would want to go.

Here is my REPLY

It’s a little over a minute. If you think it’s funny or even just mildly amusing hit the like button for me. It might help me get to summer camp.

Beer Books

A little website housekeeping here. I have made a literary addition to the Search Party Favorites tab.

Instead of trying to link up each separate beer book, I piggybacked on Amazon’s program. So you can see my what beer books are on my shelf.

Coming Soon

Starting on the 15th of this month, all posts will cover the 1st LA Beer Week. Reviews of the parties, reviews of the beer, photos and maybe even a little video.

Also, in a week or two, I will make available a Beer Travel Planner for the Northern San Diego area as a sample of what I can do for you. Free is a good price!

Tips for the newbie

I will be attending the Great American Beer Festival for the very first time this year. So if anyone out there on the interwebs has any tips or suggestions or advice. Hit me with it.

And if anyone wants to say hello or talk, I will be at the Rare Beer Event on Friday and if all goes according to plan, at the merchandise table on Saturday. I am really excited to get to know more beer geeks and drink in the atmosphere of this event.

Beer Search Party services

I don’t know what reason brought you to this blog or why you keep coming back but here is one thing that I think will be quite useful..

The Beer Search Party Beer Vacation Planner (BVP).

All you have to do is e-mail me at .
Tell me A) where you are going & B) when you are going.

I will give you a list of breweries, beers, bars and restaurants to visit. Along with addresses, phone numbers and hours of operation. As a beer geek, you know this stuff but do you want to do it when you could be drinking beer? It’s called outsourcing and for a limited time it will be free of charge.

Free is a very good price.

(2) Exciting bits of Blog news

I know that blogs are the home of the wacky ideas and chronicles of weird adventures. Well, I am hopping into the pool as well. Inspired in part by the Julie and Julia movie that recently opened, I will be pulling my own beer stunts.

First, the day after Thanksgiving while everyone is out shopping, I will be drinking one holiday ale (or lager) a day. Up to and including Christmas, the regular posts will cease and in their place a thorough review of a holiday beer. Anchor’s Our Special Ale, Ebeneezer from Bridgeport and any other holiday themed brews on the market.

Then in 2010 (supplies willing), I will embark on a beer from all 50 states tour. Being in California, I will have to special order and ship in beers so the end date of this project is uncertain. But what I aim to do is show that we are truly blessed in America to have a wide range of great beers.