I don’t know much about Shacksbury and their cider but if they have the confidence of Beachwood Blendery, then I will be interested int the pair of blends being released, tomorrow, Thursday, October 3rd.
Here are the details, “Introducing Imaginary Apples and Imaginary Apples Rosé! Starting with wild foraged Vermont apples that went straight from trees into the press, and then allowed to naturally ferment using native yeast in early November 2016 as part of Shacksbury Ciders Lost Apple Project. The culture from that was sent to us after fermentation had been completed and used to to inoculate our wort in September 2017. After 16 months in barrels a portion of the blend was put on second use zinfandel grapes to extract a bit of color and flavor. Both blends were packaged January 2019 and left to bottle condition and age for 8 months.”