The Session, a.k.a. Beer Blogging Friday was the long running monthly digital get together for beer bloggers around the world to write about a single subject of beer-y interest.

The series was on indefinite pause at the end of 2018 but was re-started in 2025. (Though I missed hearing about it until this month) I hosted twice in the initial run and participated many more times and my contribution is below ( in italics) from the writing prompt of beer critique. See the full assignment HERE so you can ponder your own response.
You can also go back and read past musings HERE.
There are some Session themes where the response just flows and others that are tougher nuts to crack. For March the assignment of a critique stymied me. Partially because the poser of the question, Matthew Curtis from Total Ales seemed to be looking for a certain type of response within tight parameters. (and even reserved the right to not add to the after party round-up if the brief was not met.)
After reading the instructions and reasoning behind the topic a few times, I could have done something new in my jocular, pointed and opinionated style or expanded on a past post to shoe-horn it into the Session but neither felt right to me because I think my idea of criticism and critique and when and where it should be used seems to be different from Curtis.
That is all to say that after consideration, I am going to pass and come back for the April subject of conversation.
We do need to hold breweries and craft beer to the mark and readers of the this blog have read my past takes and there are more constructive criticisms to come. In three days time, I will post my thoughts on brewery social media posts. And I will be reading what others have come up with this month because it is bound to be thought provoking.