Another Return to HPB

It seems that every time I visit Highland Park Brewery that there are at least 4 to 5 new beers on tap. My latest visit was no different. After re-acquainting myself with my favorite Fill Pils, I got down to to business tasting the new arrivals.
Hola LA
Cilantro and ancho. Good pepper kick but not overpowering the hops. The cilantro is a nice counterpoint. Heat grows but isn’t a barn burner. Little bit of red pepper skin notes

Cat Delivery DIPA
Big juicy.  Not citrus. More earthy. Grassy notes. Firmly in the DIPA category.

Belgian Dark String with figs. Sweet.  Almost dopplebocky to me. Cinnamon notes. Reminds me of Christmas.

Partly Cloudy unfiltered IPA
Really like this. Orange creme taste. Looks pretty in a pint glass. Some chamomile notes.