If you need to know just two things about me. I like books and I like my podcasts short. I can’t believe that it took me so long to find the Book of the Day podcast from NPR.

Basically, book segments from other NPR shows packaged up neatly into a bite sized under 20 minutes. It is a wide variety of books to, not just best sellers but a little bit of everything.
That short running time is key because there are a lot of books on my “to-read” list and it would be easy to see a 45 minute episode and take a pass but now I can take a quick dip to really see if it is something that I want to check the library for.
If you are in L.A. then a very obvious choice would be to pick-up a mixed pack from Paperback Brewing. A deeper cut would be to check past episodes and see if you can find a beer that pairs with that episodes book or author. There was a memoir episode that talked to Henry Winkler and Arnold Schwarzanegger. So you could find an Austrian beer or find a beer to match Happy Days or Barry.