This month the spotlight is on Sci-Fi.

Three Canadian comedians try to create a good sci-fi show, in Let’s Make A Sci-Fi. Those comedians are Ryan Beil, Maddy Kelly, and Mark Chavez. It is an eight episode series that follows the ups and the downs of birthing the next cool adventure.
This podcast ticks a couple boxes off the bat, under 10 episodes so I am waiting for a finish and in the 30 to 40 minute range so I know editing has been done.
Plus this is not just a riff-a-thon. The trio are actually trying with humor as a side dish. Plus it makes you think about why you like certain Sci-Fi and not others. I don’t think I would have made the choices they did and I may not have liked their pilot but the getting there was fun and interesting.
On the craft beer side, I would look for any Ecliptic Brewing beers because they have space and astronomy themed beers that would match plus they have some nice lighter PNW IPAs that would be just right. If not Portland adjacent, I would choose a dark as the sky Czech Dark Lager since that style of beer hides a lighter interior.