RnD IPA # 44 is coming from Russian River Brewing with quite the interesting hop list. HBC-586, Luminosa, NZH-106, Riwaka and Zumo hops.

On occasion, bottles will end up in my local Whole Foods and I will grab and review if this one shows up.
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RnD IPA # 44 is coming from Russian River Brewing with quite the interesting hop list. HBC-586, Luminosa, NZH-106, Riwaka and Zumo hops.
On occasion, bottles will end up in my local Whole Foods and I will grab and review if this one shows up.
Hop producer, Segal Ranch has announced some expanded acreage for the poorly named Anchovy Hop (read Anchovy for more info) The main flavors are watermelon and cedar.
This falls in the middle of their new hops which includes Zumo which is out in at least one beer from Russian River and maybe more since it too is getting more land as well as a third varietal with the exotic name of Tangier due to a lead aroma of tangerine peel.