A Yuengling History


You may have noticed this line / brand of historical books in bookstores. They usually document local history. This Yuengling book is the first that I have seen devoted to a brewery.

Firstly, this is a picture book. Lots of great photographs and ad reproductions. Not a history per se. I was most struck by the roadside billboards. Both the early ones and then more current ones where their signage is next to that of the “national” brands.

You also get a little history of the clan behind the beer. Though I could have used more backstory in that department.

Other additions that would have proved useful to me would have been a timeline of the brewery and a floor plan. Maybe comparing different iterations of the brewery layout through the years.

Minor quibbles aside, if you like beer history and rooting for an underdog then this book is for you.


D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc., is on sale for $21.99 from Arcadia Publishing and is available at local retailers, online or through Arcadia Publishing HERE.