Ojai Beverage Company

Since my parents are more into wine than beer, I am relieved to find places that serve both and serve both well. The Ojai Beverage Company is such a place.

This is a recent tap list. (Yes, tap list)
St. Louis Framboise Lambic
Sierra Nevada Crystal Wheat
North Coast Scrimshaw Pilsner
Green Flash West Coast IPA
Paulaner Salvador Doppelbock
Unibroue Trois Pistoles Strong Dark Ale
Abita Turbo Dog Brown Ale
Shipyard Pugsley’s Signature XXXX IPA
Klokke Roeland Belgian Strong Ale
Kona Pipeline Porter
Acme Pale Ale
Nitrogen Tap-Island Brew. Starry Night Stout

Check their website HERE

Great Quote from the NY Times

“But the enemy of good beer and good wine, and good food in general, is bad beer, bad wine and, yes, bad food.

What unites this team is the striving for real wine, real beer, and real food, as opposed to cynical product. That is the problem, and I think most people realize this no matter what they say or do. Craft beer’s battle is not against wine but against decades of cynical marketing from the giant breweries, which have done everything possible to portray beer drinkers as asinine fools. The enemy of good wine is the atrocious marketing that makes wine an aspirational commodity, just another luxury good to purchase for its status value. That has to offend the reverse snob in all of us.”
Eric Asimov