This month is all about opening up the cellar. Not only will I do it for two reviews this month but also for Open It! which occurs on the weekend of the 24th-26th and for my birthday as well.
It is time to see how the aging experiments are going. We start with White Oak from The Bruery…
Since 2009, I have been slowly but surely amassing what I think is a quality beer cellar. And with beer space getting tight, it is time to start cracking open some of these aged brews to see what time has done to them. Since, I am not a deranged millionaire like John Hodgman, I usually only have one bottle which precludes comparing with other aged beers but if I have sampled the beer before, I will include my initial review as a counterpoint.
The impetus for breaking some of these bottles out was a lovely bottle share party that I attended last night at Casa de Gev. Many great beers were poured from other peoples collections. Including: Dogfish Head meets 3 Floydsa rare Jive Old Ale courtesy of Victor from TAPSA 2005 Baladin from Skipp
Enough of the luxurious rarities, here are my notes and photos from the first of what I am calling my cellar experiments.
My initial review on June 15th of this year – “Pours a red/orange color. Aroma is a bit off-putting. I am getting medicinal notes. Kind of harsh. maybe it’s the combination of wine and spice that cancel each other out. not a favorite.” I rated it 2.6 out of 5.
Aged from the bottle Red & White was a lot better than the initial review. It still had some harsh medicinal qualities and it lacked a certain fizz that would undercut that note but it was certainly an improvement. It paled though in comparison to the CismonTAPS barrel aged saison and the Dogfish Head / 3 Floyds collaboration Poppaskull that were also being passed around. I do think that more age would improve it and give it more texture and sweetness and continue to offset the medicine notes that I tasted.
Cigar City. Widely desired by 49 states which normally can’t get any of their products. They have gone and intrigued me mightily with a new version of their popular Jai Alai IPA but aged in white oak.