Four Years of Past Anchor Christmas Beers

Time to snap our fingers and enter the Tardis to try (4) of Anchor Brewing’s past Merry Christmas Ales.


Lots of gunk at the bottom of the bottle. Has the makings of a little sour barleywine.  Cherry flavor note and a Port sorta nose to it make this interesting but it certainlyturneda corner into bad territory.  This is pretty close to just needing a few ounces to get the full picture. 


ABV jumps a full percentage point from 5.5% in 2015 to 6.5% this year. Poursa bit darker to me as well. Little more tree spice here that I am used to from this beer but I like it that way. The sour turn is beginning to show but this is a much more full beer caught in the nick of time. 


Nice woodsy aroma upon opening the bottle.  Faint hit of chocolate and spice in the first sip.  Nice amount of bitterness too. The espresso lacing on the side is quite pretty as well. Gettin a slight barleywine note in the background. 


Smoother. Less jagged edges to this year with the red banded label.  Malt lead close to a porter feel. Pours a garnet color. A little bit of a fruit taste. Leaning to cherry. Oddly this seems to have aged worse than the previous two years. Feeling like it is going to tip into sour soon. 

Featured Review – Anchor Our Special Ale (2013-2017)

Each year around this time, I bring up whatever cellared Anchor Christmas Ale’s that are left. This year, I have 2013-2017 to taste and give bite-sized reviews of…

smells a bit papery. Some soy sauce hits off this one. Still has some spritz to it. Some spruce tips as well. Little bit salty to my taste.
a slight chocolate aroma. A lighter soy sauce but still savory. Seems plainer than 2013. Less back-up flavors. Seems a little more substantial as well.
not much aroma to my nose. A return of the pine and spruce notes. Not carbonated but not thick either. A bit of cola flavor. Closer to 13 than 14.
chocolate and pine notes. Tending down I think, touch to more sour. Touch of cherry. A bit chewy.
this year’s model. Little fruity to me. Good sparkle to it. A bit thin. Malt seems less pronounced.

Kris Kringle – Day 20

35 Years of Our Special Ale.  I wonder what the largest vertical tasting of this great winter beer would be like.


If you have a favorite year, comment me with which year and why? I would be interested to hear the reasons.