World Cup + World Beer – 3rd Place



The game for 3rd place. This will either be a cracker of a game because there is no pressure or all the stars will be on the bench as the rookies get a taste of World Cup action.

And it is a match for past cup winners as well!

So we head to Uruguay for the penultimate beer of the 2010 World Cup!

And we toast the fighting spirit of the Uruguayan squad with Dorada from Mastra…”A moderately strong English Ale. The balance is almost even between malt and hops, or sometimes to the bitterness. The easy thing to drink is essential in this style. Emphasizes the use of hop bitterness, as opposed to the aggressive middle and end hopping is seen in American ales.

World Cup + World Beer – The Netherlands



OK. The only reason I chose this beer was because of the “controversy” with the ticket selling and jailing of Bavaria beer girls. That is the power of PR.
Bavaria web(1)

“Bavaria Brouwerij was founded by Laurentius Moorees in 1719 and produced around 88 barrels of beer annually. Jan Swinkels, born in 1851, great-grandson of Laurentius Moorees, received ownership of the brewery and expanded their production and distribution.
In 1910 a malting plant was built, which still produces malt for Bavaria and other breweries. By 1924 the brewery had become too small and a new brewery was built and in 1933 the brewery added a bottling plant, which produced 2,000 bottles-per-hour.”