Just Say No?

If you saw the Last Week Tonight clip about Bud Light and their obnoxious Up For Whatever campaign, you are probably still laughing about the “flavor” descriptors used by the actors in the “truthfull” version of the ad.

But after the laughter is done, you are probably left with, like me, head shaking at the continued incompetence of Budweiser and their Belgian/Brazilian overlords.

One could easily pick apart my blog for errors. I would humbly accept any corrections. But that is me, one person, with no separate editor or separate fact checker. Accountable only to me. How though could an ENTIRE marketing department let the Remove NO from your vocabulary for a night tag to pass layer after layer? Are there no women working there? I would have recognized it and I am a white guy. It’s as if they were tossing red meat to John Oliver and his writers.

But that oversightus maximus pales in comparison to the Blue Moon lawsuit. Now, I only know the outlines of this case but it has got frivolous written all over it.

This dude:

A) couldn’t do a cursory Google search which would have led him to the fact that Miller/Coors owns Blue Moon.
B) seemed to like the beer enough to buy it more than once.
C) thinks that big business is a transparent, paternal enterprise.

Only the lawyers are going to win on this case. Captain Oblivious will lose and look like a bigger fool than when he realized that Blue Moon wasn’t his type of “craft” beer. Miller/Coors loses the anonymity that they are clinging onto along with ABInBev for their limping “craft” and foreign brands.

To me, this litigant is more of what’s wrong with craft beer fans than any snob. The all too easily affronted. This subset of people, whether they are comic book fans who decry movies that alter from the course of their beloved books or the Fox News commentator who finds fault in everything that a democrat says push casual fans away from joining the cause with their hyper misguided vigilance.

I need to set-up a Craft Beer – Department of No. People can ask me if an idea is good and I can review and render my judgement. Most answers will be NO.


Bud App

As if Bud Light isn’t within an arm’s reach, now you can really make it ubiquitous with the Bud Light Button. A new delivery app that launched in the Washington DC area this month.

But you not only get industrial water lager with eau de corn pops, you might win a prize or what the Bud Light Marketing department calls “Up for Whatever”. Or as the VP of Consumer Connections (WTF), explains: “Some people will get just a little something extra, like Bud Light-branded gear, but once in a while, we’re going to deliver a really over-the-top, amazing experiences…” Which I assume means that lucky people will get a real light lager delivered from a brewer and not the Consumer Connections Crew.