If you think that alcohol laws could use nationwide reform, well the above beer collaboration gives a good example of what can happen when breweries are given just a little extra legal help.
TRVE and New Belgium have collaborated on Where I Live which “uses malts from Troubadour Maltings in Fort Collins to create the base beer, which was fermented on Norwegian Kveik yeast. The beer was blended with a foeder-aged dark sour, then further matured with TRVE’s mixed-culture in one of New Belgium’s French oak foeders.”
The hurdle was you could not transfer beer from one brewery to another without incurring a tax charge. The 2017 Brewery Act (which I remind you, needs renewal) removed that hurdle. Funnily enough for me, what struck me about this beer more than the law was this, ” Just before packaging, the beer is circulated over whole-flower lavender grown on the Western Slope of Colorado by Two Bears Farms.” Sounds like a fun beer.