I know that I sound like a broken record (or is it, broken streaming audio?), but I love the presentation of the Ruhstaller bottles (cans too). I like the kid with the bad boy look, I like the netting on the neck of the 22oz bottle. The marketing copy is not only readable but fun. For their California Tripel, they talk about an artist, a curator and the brewer plus have room for the beer ingredients. Cause that apparently is the most important thing if the blogosphere is to be believed. Made with California Metcalf & Copeland barley and California Cluster hops, this Belgian Style Tripel comes in at 9.5%.
Which is a good thing because this is another of the unintentionally aged bottles from Total Wine. This beer came out in July. This being June, I assume that this beer is from 2013. The production was limited to 230 cases.
It pours a bright orange color with a disturbing amount of floaty bits in it. As you can probably tell from the photo. Tripels can be evil. Their high alcohol masked until you finish the glass and this one doesn’t quite succeed in that. You can get a little heat from it. That is strike 2. Which I am holding Total Wine accountable for, not the brewer. There is some typical Belgian spice in there but the finish is a bit watery despite the alcohol. I am getting some of the sweetness that you might sense as well which is good but overall, I would have to recommend buying this beer fresh and popping the cap then. And do not buy it in June in hot Southern California.