I trekked down on sunny November Satruday to the beer oasis Torrance to check in on the 1st Cask’s Not Dead Fest and forthwith are my take-away’s and photos….

I was able to not only get excellent cask ale (and shade) but also I was able to have beers from breweries new to me like the new-ish Imperial Western Beer Co. They brought their Benjamin ESB which was a great way to delve into the beer menu. I also had a German cask from Weissenohe, their Kellerbier which was up there for my favorite beer on the afternoon. I also really enjoyed the HopSaint Pure Intention IPA which was smooth but then the bitter would kick in.

I went for another IPA from a spot that I have only visited once, Riip Brewing and it was fine in a dank meet creamy sort of way. Green Cheek (more later) had an autumnal beer which was solid and simple and nice. My least favorite pour was a lactose red ale from Chapman Crafted. The sweet was too much in comparison to the other beers.

I finished with the big Full Malted Jacket from Beachwood Brewing which is always good. Sometimes you have to go out on a known quantity. By the time that I departed the hot day was trying to chill and the VIP turn out was starting to ramp up as more people arrived.
They also had a judging component and…
here are the winners in Traditional:
First Place: Pizza Port (San Clemente), Nerf Herder
Second Place: Green Cheek Beer, Fallen for Autumn
Third Place: Yorkshire Square Brewery, Early Doors
The winners of the Abnormal Ales category were:
First Place: Smog City Brewing, Bloody Knuckle Fist Fight
Second Place: Trustworthy Brewing, Trustworthy IPA
Third Place: Transplants Brewing, Ocarina of Thyme