Terminator Stout

The Beer Search Party is blessed to have guest reviewers with specific beer style tastes. One is a fan of the Belgian tripel and the other is my dark beer specialist. And not just any dark beer, we are talking about Old Engine Oil Reserve and the big chocolate stouts. Without any further ado, here is a review of McMenanmin’s Terminator Stout…

“Loved it. Very rich and smooth. Hint of expresso notes. No bite. Very dark almost black with no head. Paired it with sliced havarti rolled with pastrami & tomatoes with garlic mustard. Thanks again for bringing it back for me. On my list of favorites”

Terminator Stout

In honor of the not bad / not quite good new Terminator movie, I present McMenamin’s Terminator Stout. If I had a glass of this during the movie, I would have been more kind to the plot and direction.
This is a really good example of a stout. I especially like it when it is on the nitro tap.