State by State beer taxes

This is one of those fascinating charts that simultaneously explain and confuse. Alaska at #1 in amount of tax, yet Alaskan and Anchorage and others seem to thrive. Conversely, Wyoming at # 50 is not nearly the hotbed that Oregon or Colorado are. And how to explain that Washington and California are pushing forward fast with their mid-pack ranking?

This was sent to me by Steve Zuback who found it HERE.

What conclusions do you draw?


Just when I think the craft beer world can’t come up with any more new ideas, someone comes along with another great one.

Odell’s of Colorado has used an ingredient from each of the states it sells in to create Footprint. Puts all the states and ingredients on the label too. And the sub-name is region-ale. Brilliant.

1,000 – part 4

I have now rated 1,000+ beers on RateBeer. and so I have been looking at the figures to see what I have been drinking.

Last week I covered which cities make the best beer according to what I have rated. This week I take a step up and look at the states that are doing it right and which ones I have been sipping. As with last week, this is based on the RateBeer information.

Of the 1,000, 388 are from California and 157 from Oregon. So well over 1/2 of my ratings are from 2 states. That is something I hope to remedy. The 50 Beers from 50 States challenge helped but didn’t close the gap. Predictably Colorado was 3rd and Washington state was 4th.

Here is the average rating breakdown:
California – 3.20
Colorado – 3.10
Massachussets – 2.92
New York – 3.34
Oregon – 3.17
Pennsylvania – 3.18
Washington – 3.06