Opening July 26th is Watch Me on East PCH in Long Beach. Great news to see another women’s sports bar open in the L.A. area, now I just need one to move into Glendale.

Follow Sean Inman to the best in craft beer
Opening July 26th is Watch Me on East PCH in Long Beach. Great news to see another women’s sports bar open in the L.A. area, now I just need one to move into Glendale.
Why can’t a sports bar have craft beer? It’s a fair question and a matter of taste. I prefer the quiet and well lighted but some people want to watch March Madness AND have a great beer and they should not be deprived of both. Now I see quite a few beer lists for LA bars on a weekly basis and most beer spots that lean towards the “sporty” usually lean to far to the Bud side for my liking. But, if you are a beach person and like the glow of the TV, the list at GameChangers in Hermosa Beach might be for you.
It is now on my list of places to check out the next time that I am nearby.