For today’s holiday ale, we get a little bit of the flannel look from the only U.S. Trappist brewery, Spencer who bring us a honey spiced amber lager as their take on the Winter Warmer.
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For today’s holiday ale, we get a little bit of the flannel look from the only U.S. Trappist brewery, Spencer who bring us a honey spiced amber lager as their take on the Winter Warmer.
Apparently, we Americans might house the next Trappist level brewery! Amazing, I know.
Under the supervision of the noble Chimay, the monks of St. Joseph’s Abbey are adding a brewery. It will be given the not very saintly name of The Spencer Brewery. And the first beer, will be a “full-bodied, golden-hued Trappist ale with fruity accents, a dry finish and light hop bitterness.”
It will be interesting to see how this experiment plays in America. Will the trappist idea make this a viable project? Who know. But I will be willing to try the beer at the very least.